JBOB Rehabilitation Center
Like many sub-Saharan African countries, Kenya, suffers from a lack of good, quality rehabilitation and healthcare in general. What is available is often priced above what an average person can afford resulting in sub-optimal outcomes from conditions such as strokes and heart attacks. Rev. Theresa (Terry) Odhiambo experienced this first-hand when her mother suffered a stroke. The lack of immediate and adequate therapy led her to be bedridden and need continuous care for 11 years before her death in August 2022. This led to Rev. Theresa’s decision to work on establishing a rehabilitation center, with a commitment to treat all comers regardless of their ability to pay while ensuring that the facility will at some point become self-supporting.
With these commitments in mind, she has donated land she purchased and is working with an architect to build a self-sustaining rehabilitation center. The plans are to have an outpatient rehabilitation center occupying the ground and 1st floors to offer a full spectrum of rehabilitation services with professionalism and compassion to those recovering from strokes, heart attacks and other illnesses with the dual goals of recovery and improvement in the quality of life that may not otherwise occur without proper rehabilitation. The 2nd and 3rd floors will be apartments used for accommodation and with whatever revenue it accrues being used to further subsidize the center.
We prayerfully request that you consider contributing to help us fund this project, which will benefit many in that community. You may make checks payable to Faith Vision International Ministries, and mail to, P.O. Box 21998, Cheyenne Wyoming. 82003. Or if you are considering an online donation, see the instruction below.
We are a 501(C)(3) organization allowing donations to be tax deductible per IRS requirements.
With much gratitude for our living God and your willingness to support our service to Him.
Thank you.